Mfuleni Center for Early Childhood Development
356 T. Tokwana Str. Mfuleni, Ext. 4, Western Cape
Early Childhood Development (ECD); one of three priorities of the City of Cape Town (CoCT). A program with focus on care and education from day one. Good quality daycare is a mayor contributor to a solid start in life; for both children and parents.
Sustainable and multipurpose
We joined CoCT’s plan for a new ECD Centre by the end of 2009; a facility to be used for daycare and others activities for the local community. Multipurpose: daycare during the day; training, meetings and adult education after hours.
Putting up a solid new structure of this magnitude requires substantial funding from a lot of ‘Friends’ – both in the Netherlands and in South Africa. It proved vital to have local support – not only from a funding point of view – to make it sustainable. CoCT matched our contribution as well as committed itself to pay for maintenance cost. A local donor put up the rest. Operational costs are covered by the West Cape Province and the parents’ fee. Being financially independent makes it sustainable and made it possible for us to move on to the next project.
Temporary relocation
Forced out by the landlord in 2008 Sandra needed to find a interim solution as the new facility not yet available. Moving to a ‘good’ neighbor’s house (the man was actually in jail) and renting two wendy houses did the trick.
New facility
The new facility opened in January 2011 and includes a central play area, jungle gym, sandpit, plants and trees for shade.
After moving in the principal, Sandra Lucas, managed to hire and train more staff. Every class room requires a teacher and an assistent. Practical support and training is done by a local NGO – Starting Chance. Since 2012 there is a library for books and toys. Both are accessible for other educares in the same township.
Contact with Sandra is easy and on a regular basis by phone/email or visits. It is (financially) independent, sustainable and monitored by CoCT Department of Social & ECD. CoCT renewed the lease for another 3 years in 2015. 160 children attend and the Grade R classes move on to primary school.
Mfuleni Graduation Grade R Class – 12 November 2016