In South Africa

The Centre for Early Childhood Development (CECD). Key partner in the greater Cape Town area since 2010. Providing training, resources and support in the field of early childhood development aimed at enhancing individual and organizational capacity. Linked to the University of Cape Town (UCT). Western Cape Provincial partner and Social Service Organisation for the Registration project.

Learn2Live, a township based initiative of Durbanville family church, focusses on the first 1000 days of a child’s life. Projects include: Crèche training for Principals & Teachers, Learn2Live Puzzle & Book Library, Clothing Store, Homegrown Garden project, Mums & Tots Play group, Brainfood. Western Cape Provincial partner and Social Service Organisation for the Registration project.
Starting Chance is based in Mfuleni ECD Centre (2010), a daycare centre serving as a ‘hub’ for numerous centres in the area. Starting Chance focusses on structural upgrades and financial independency, training & development, (principals, teachers and parents), assesment & monitoring (staff & children), pre-school education and school readiness.

The Early Education Centre focuses on education for 0 to 9 olds. ‘TEEC’ offers School holiday programmes, Playgroups, Skills development for teachers, Governing body training, provides Education Equipment and Parent education and training. Western Cape Provincial partner and Social Service Organisation for the Registration project.
Childcare in the Netherlands

KinderRijk, professional daycare in the Amsterdam region.

Kind in Beeld, professional daycare in Leiden.

2Samen (2Gether), professional daycare in the the Hague region.
Key partners & sponsors
The Haley Foundation, USA

Government of Monaco

Wilde Ganzen The Wild Geese Foundation supports people in their efforts to achieve a better future for their community in developing countries. Its support is aimed at tangible, small-scale projects.

Change the Game In addition the Wild Geese Foundation invests in domestic resource mobilization and claim making capacity for structural, long term changes.

BIS (in Dutch only) Centre for Knowledge, Fundraising and Support for joint small scale international development.

ICCO ICCO Cooperation is a joint Kerk in Actie, coPrisma and Edukans NGO focussing on elevating people from poverty, injustice and exclusion. Mission >>
Pro Juventute Nederland (in Dutch only). The Pro Juventute Nederland Foundations supports activities for children and youngsters in harsh environments.

Ukubona Africa does all our grond handling for our Brick & Mortar tours – for over 10 years and very well indeed ! Ukubona is headed by a committed SA couple: Jasmin & Neil Johnson – people with a keen eye for the needs of the less privileged.

Natte Valleij Estate
in Klapmuts. A perfect location to set up our temporary ‘office’ when
in SA. Several cottages on the estate with privacy, while at the same
time guests are part of life on a farm. Friendly, hospitable family
owned, centrally located yet away from big city buzz. Self-catering in authentic accommodation with a touch of a bygone era.

UNESCO, the Dutch United Nation’s subsidiary, focusses on education for all.

Mzamomhle is a member of the South African Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Membership of SANEC is kindly donated by FBD Bankmensen

FBD (in Dutch only) Financial experts in the Netherlands

Belgotex is a leading South African soft flooring manufacturer donating vinyl & artificial grass via its Belgotex Floors Foundation

Wings of Support, founded by KLM Royal Dutch airlines staff, supports education and care for children around the globe.

Het Wiskunde-Huis (in Dutch only) teaches math and support Mzamomhle @ the same time.
The 40MM (in Dutch only) – 40.000 Meter March – is a sponsor walking tour through the NW part of the Netherlands. All proceeds go to various projects supported by 40 MM.