Project minibus Lonwabo special needs centre Stichting Mzamomhle answers to Starting Chance’s (our Mfuleni ECD centre partner (2010)) call for funding of a used minibus for Lonwabo Special Needs centre….
Project Registration ECD Centres

End of May former member of the board Frans Labberton left for Cape Town for nine months to assist with an ECD center registration program. This program is designed in recognition of the fact that large number of Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres are unable to meet the requirements set out by government on their own. Currently only a minority of the approximately 3000 (known) centres are registered and adequately funded. For many others lack of knowledge and means proved too large a step.
Not being registered means, among others, not being able to access WC Provincial per capita subsidy and therefore no sustainable future for many of the facilities, its staff and obviously the children attending. Getting centres into the system is key, also from a quality point of view as this implies meeting standards for leadership, staff training, formal requirements for the organisation, minimum outfit, curriculum, safety standards etc.
Project Sinethemba Extra Class Room
More room for babies
Dynamic, well managed, good quality care and education. Inspirational. Financially sound. This daycare centre flourishes. Given the high demand for daycare for babies, this next step seems only logical 3 years after moving to its present location.
Project Lisa Educare
Lisa Educare Centre is located in the township of Bloekombos, North-East of Cape Town. The present centre, with 61 children in it, is led by Noronte Noro. It is accommodated in her sister’s house. Noronte is in her forties and she and a team of six co-workers have started a training programme with CECD. The centre has been registered. The organisation was able to buy a fine piece of land in 201, but for the next step, expansion to 125 children, the organization needs support.
Sinethemba Educare (2014) Sinethemba is Xhosa for: We have (a) hope’, or ‘We believe in’. The centre is led by Grace Duko. When we met Grace already had a impressive…
Mza’Momhle Educare
A trip to Cape Town
During our 2006 Habitat for Humanity tour to Cape Town we met Margaret Ngaleka, principal of Mza’momhle Educare in Wallacedene, a township near Kraaifontein. A damp space of barely 100m2 in use to keep 80 children off the streets. We were impressed by her drive and energy to keep these 80 children safe and cared for, offering the mothers a change to go to work elswhere. We also noticed the shack like structure, the lack of means, the limited outdoor area, the poor financial situation.
Mfuleni Center for Early Childhood Development
356 T. Tokwana Str. Mfuleni, Ext. 4, Western Cape
Early Childhood Development (ECD); one of three priorities of the City of Cape Town (CoCT). A program with focus on care and education from day one. Good quality daycare is a mayor contributor to a solid start in life; for both children and parents.
Sustainable and multipurpose
We joined CoCT’s plan for a new ECD Centre by the end of 2009; a facility to be used for daycare and others activities for the local community. Multipurpose: daycare during the day; training, meetings and adult education after hours.